Hi everyone, I’m Saralyn Hodgkin. And this is the podcast to practice your leadership.
Self authoring your path, I feel is a responsibility. It’s a responsibility. And it’s so relevant at this time that people are calling the great resignation, there’s a whole bunch of words out there for it right? This moment, COVID induced change, for lots of reasons. You can read articles from Forbes, and HBR, and wherever about the great resignation, of people saying, hey, I need to change. This isn’t serving me. There’s another opportunity over here.
And for some of us, maybe many of us, it comes from this soul calling. Hey, there’s a different direction over here, let’s shake you up a little bit. So you can see it, you haven’t been able to see it yet. Now you can see it. And so people are shifting in their career paths, resigning, and moving, and making, creating, pulling out, harnessing new opportunity, or they’re getting kicked out by the universe and saying, hey, you’ve got to wake up and you’ve got to move along.
Sometimes it’s us making the decision, and sometimes others are making the decision for us. Whatever it is, it is people making new opportunity and seeing their threads before them. And do you just go where the wind blows? Or are you defining where you’re headed, even if you don’t know what the end destination is. You know, there are new generations in the workforce that are no longer settling for one distinct path, you know, these moments of waves of the great resignation, and so on, and, or there are tugs at our hearts. And it’s interesting, because maybe you’re experiencing this in various ways.
But, you know, if you’re part of this movement, this grand movement, maybe your experiences, either, you know, sitting there seeing your colleagues move on to other opportunities, and you’re mad at how could they just leave like that, you know, and you’re trying to manage some of that emotion? Or, wow, how did they get the courage to go and do that? Oh, like, I can’t believe it. And you’re trying to muster up some of that courage for yourself, or how did they even see how do that, even find that opportunity? Right?
Like, you’re just looking at others shifting and moving and trying to make sense of that for yourself. Or you are asking yourself, what the universe is asking you? What’s right for you now. What is right for you now. Some of this means and requires you to connect, or reconnect to your Why? To look at opportunity for yourself of not just what’s my next, you know, career jump or a ladder move, but what am I being called forth for? Where are my interests and my energies moving me now? What does that mean, when I don’t necessarily see the end goal post in mind of trying to be the executive director, VP, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, right?
Like, it’s not clear about what the path looks like, you’re not trying to be a chartered accountant that now needs to go through here. And then this loop, and then this loop or a doctor who, you know, okay, I know, I need to do this. And this, you’re trying to figure it out of where you’re going next. And during this time, that again, some are calling the great resignation. You’re looking at yourself going, wait, what do I need to consider now? Is there a move for me? What feels right? Am I choosing my next path or being forced to consider that next path? Have I been fired from my job or let go or, or the toxicity here is just so much that I need to go and look for something else. And I’m scared. I don’t know what the next move is.
So maybe some of this is coming up for you. And you know, you’re trying to figure it out. So some of the things that I’ve relied on is simply faith right? Like the universe has my back. There is no right or wrong decision. The number one source of all my answers is not the career coach, or the counseling, or my best friend’s advice. The number one source of all the answers is me. So how can I pause and be still enough to listen? How can I look at the responsibility of self authoring my power as I move forward, and how can I manage the fear and the curiosities? And, and all the emotions that come up with this change?
If I asked myself, what’s my stance during this time of transition or change, what are the triggers and patterns I see in myself? What’s the agreement I want to have with myself as I go through transition and change right now? If you’re a part of this great resignation, if you are being called forth in whatever ways to shift and make different decisions for your path, maybe you’re contemplating what your own future looks like in the wake of all of this. How do you then decide on your next steps?
Because self authoring those next steps is your responsibility and your opportunity to stand in your power. So this week on the podcast we’ll break down how to defining your why, examining your timeline, your timeline so far, right? How looking at all that can help you self author your leadership, and possibly the career journey you’re destined for and striving towards. That is waiting for you to step towards. I’m beside you all as we’re learning through our leadership journeys, hey? Practice your leadership.
Thanks all, I’m Saralyn. You can find me at holonleadership.org. I walk alongside you as you practice your leadership.