24. Teams Learning Out Loud – How We Reflect Together

Teams must journey together. Both in the work itself, and by centring the team as the work.

But how do you do that? How do you journey together to reflect on “us” as a team and build back stronger?

In this week’s podcast, I explore how teams can benefit from the ferocity of reflection using the following practices:

  • Reflection Studios – Take the time to integrate your collective learning and align
  • Adaptive Cycle – Examine how you behave together, creating space for new practices
  • Our No List – Create an inventory of what you have permission to not work on
  • Hopes & Fears – Explore your hopes and fears as a team

The inner work of teams requires reflective, intentional practice so we can collectively learn and journey together.

Practice Your Leadership
Practice Your Leadership
24. Teams Learning Out Loud – How We Reflect Together


Illustration of the Adaptive Cycle


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